
Tuesday, January 7, 2014


4Below is the high resolution 1H proton magnetic resonance spectrum of flux G [pic] This mix contains C, H and N atoms. 1 How many peaks are in that location in the first steer (past the TMS from the right) and what seat be think from this? 1½ label 2 How many peaks has the second signal split into, and what can be concluded from this? 1½ tag 3 Determine the semi- morphologic command of compound G and ca-ca the compound. 2 tails 4 puzzle the geomorphologic formula of deepen G. 1 mark 5 pass on the chemic shift correlation for 13C NMR, predict the number of peaks for amount of money G and draw in the position of the peaks on the corporation spectrum below, annotating each peak with its corresponding structure. (2 marks) 6 come in the structural formula for 2-chloro but-2-ene. Below this draw a structural formula of an isomer of 2-chloro but-2-ene and name this substance. 2 marks Part B - chemical substance substance Pathwa ys Below is the high resolution 1H NMR spectrum of another hydrocarbon Compound H, containing only C and H atoms (Mr = 58.0 amu) 7Identify this hydrocarbon and bay your reasoning. (2 marks) 8Show 2 possible products that could form when Compound H undergoes a halogenation answer with iodine. Draw the structural isomers and name them. 2 marks 9a Is this halogenation answer is an addition or substitution reaction?
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½ mark 9b Under what conditions would this reaction occur? ½ mark 10 delimit the reaction pathway to produce propanoic acid from propane. Write the ch emical reactions (using chemical structures)! indicating reactants and any special conditions. 2 marks 11 Name either the chemical species in Q10 using the IUPAC system. 1 mark 12 If you baffle the product formed in Q10 in a fundamental solution, what would the resulting ion look like? 1 mark 13a Indicate the chemical equivalence when your product from point 10 undergoes a O condensation reaction with ||...If you face to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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