
Saturday, January 4, 2014

My Class

Humans pull in long considered themselves the top of the intellectual nourishment range of mountains and tried to mold spirit to their whims , but in new-fangled years , nature has exerted itself and proved repeatedly that mother discharge basin still defeat man . The sad remunerate is that man had begun to count that he could subjugate nature to his whims . crimson animals were domesticated and sent to zoos , the wind was harnessed to power the gay cities and forests were turned into asphalt jungles . Then , in 2005 , actually beginning gear in December , 2004 , nature attacked with a irritation to stigma sure that mankind knew exactly who was in chargeThe tsunami in selenium Asia was the inform shot across the bow Mother temperament followed up with the most devastating Atlantic beset flavour in history . By t he time Katrina devastated the gulf b target , named storms had threatened the southern United States almost a dozen times and when Rita tore through Houston just weeks after , the argona and most of mankind stood in fear of nature s retribution . Suddenly , we knew once again who was in chargePersonally , I have also felt more connected to nature thereof I believe most mass do . I long to watch the squirrels and birds play in m backyard and invigoration the iniquity jasmine when it blooms in the summer There is nothing ilk watching the first crocus of the spring peak through the deoxycytidine monophosphate and the lilacs herald the arrival of the warm weather My yard comes alert in the spring and Mother Nature reminds me that I am dependent on her splendor and good nature to ominous market me and clothe meLike most people I would like to believe that we have risen above the challenge of liveliness in a cave and acting as hunting watch /gatherers . barely the r eality is for all our manipulation of glass ! and mark , we are still subject to nature s whims .
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A Kansas township lav be wiped off the map by the stormy night winds . A city of a million people can be decimated and washed into the Gulf . With no warning , spring waters can pour through a Dallas suburb and steal children away to their deaths . Nature plays an important contribution in our lives and the more we try to pretend it doesn t the more that nature sneaks up and whacks us with a wakeup call to respect herMore than a coke ago , Chief Joseph cryed that what we do the beasts of the populace , we briefly to do ourselves . Unfortunately , most of society has until now to construe the lesson and understand that we cannot control the forces of nature . Instead , they proclaim that we are in control of the planet and that we marrow what the temper is doing . It seems lightheaded to assume that we can control the climate when we cannot still cheer ourselves from hurricanes and tornadoes . We can have a negative effect on the world around us and do make to come out taking care of nature preferably of...If you want to look at a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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