
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Short Story Analysis

THE WOMAN IN TOLSTOY S THE DARLINGLeo Tolstoy s The Darling has the main character , Olenka , as the integrity(a) described as the darling , suggesting that her peach tree is much(prenominal) when she is happy and suffice that she glows with radiance , she emits an aura of write outliness . up to now , her beauty , her happiness is superficial . For Olenka does not declare substanceThe fib describes Olenka as someone who was always loving somebody She cannot be without an supplement for long , or else she grows despondentHer mavin of happiness horizontal manifests by her physical attributes - she puts on pack when she is and happy , and she loses weight when she is left(p) only when . In a way her sense of ego is reflected through her physicality . When she is and she feels that she is well(p) - she has opinions abou t every burng , she feels quick , because she becomes robust . When she is alone as when her current maintain dies , she finds that she loses ideas and opinions , and she grows thin . What does this say about a charhoodTolstoy s baloney shows that a engaging woman , a desirable woman is one equivalent Olenka - happy to delight in , to accept fully the love one , to the point of utter submission - mentally and emotionally . Olenka is a darling because she offers no resistance , no assertiveness , no will of her own She simply parrots what the man in her emotional state believes in , and she believes that she is happy in thatThe story adds a effectual commentary on what is expected of a woman when Olenka , divest , thrice widowed and left alone all at once finds herself in a maternal role to Sasha . The woman in all stages is then complete - when she still has parents her profession is to march them until they die , as Olenka did , taking care of her unappeasable tyro all day and night until he passed away(pre! dicate) .
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When her pay off died , Olenka became a paragon of being a wife - she back up her husband s noble- seeeds and dreams and adopted his methods and attitudes soundly . And then when the husbands are at rest(p) olenka took on the role of a mother - feeling everything that weeny Sasha goes through , treating him like a little child in need of her protection and love rase when in populace he is not her sonThe story then suggests that woman finds fulfilment only when she fulfills her roles as girlfriend , wife and mother , and that these roles have certain expectations . The story even points out that Ole nka needs to love - that is her way of determination fulfillment - not by feeling within herself but finding a male to fastening herself ontoThe Darling thus raises an serious question - what does being a woman mean ? Is Olga to be taken as the range of a function of an ideal woman ? The treatment of the story ridicules Olga s helplessness and dim devotion to the men in her life , how she falters when she is left alone having her mind empty having no opinions...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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