
Monday, March 11, 2019

Alcohol abuse among college students at univeristy of south carolina

Alcohol is a drink made by mixing yeast with sugary substances such(prenominal) as corn, barley and rye. The mixture is then left to ferment for nigh time. Once consumed it is absorbed into the body systems through the stomach and the small intestines and affects the judgment making the person who had consumed it lack proper coordination. It leaves the body by cosmos excretion through the kidney, lungs and the liver.Many college students consume alcohol as a expression of forgetting certain situations in their college life that is stressing them, make friends and even maintain them. that in actual sense alcohol only suppresses the problem for a very short duration of time after which the negative do to the individual manifest themselves such as lamentable personal health, poor concentration in school and financial constrains.Excessive use of alcohol leads to overleap of major responsibilities such as schooling and this state is termed as alcohol addiction that has no cure but can only be controlled (Presley, Meilman, & Cashin, 1996).Starters principally consume alcohol varieties that are less concentration but upon travel they get to very concentrated brands that eliminate the desire to drink fast.Alcohol pace among College StudentsThe African-American students inside the campus drink less compared to white counterparts. The students who engage in heavy drinking are usually aged between 18-29 days and drink up to three times in a calendar week with very few going up to five days this clearlyindicates that alcohol is readily available within the campus and that the alcohol-control policies are somehow lenient.Though this should not guess that all students drink, a good number of students have never tasted alcohol within the institution.The availability of alcohol within the community surrounding the Campus draws students towards alcohol even if the campus authorities are against it.In order to lower the levels of alcohol annoyance among studen ts of drinking age which is set at 21 years by the federal laws, the university encourages students to drink responsibly and behave in a come along manner (OMalley & Johnston, 2002).To reduce alcohol abuse the university has ensured that those students selling alcohol within the campus premises have a commercial license that governs their conduct.The university has ensured that alcohol is change in designated points such as the students centre and not just anywhere and this helps reduce its accessibility thus reducing its abuse. Any misconduct upon organism drunk should be reported to the campus dean within twenty quad hours of such offence and appropriate punishment administered according to the law (Presley, Meilman, & Cashin, 1996).

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